December 17, 2024 House of Councilors Budget Committee Meeting in Japan
Councilor Seiichi Kushida, an ally of World Dog Alliance, requested that Prime Minister Ishiba improve companion animals evacuation during disasters and increase the budget related to animal welfare.
Prime Minister Ishiba, who is known as a cat lover, shared his memories of keeping a cat he picked up on his way home from elementary school in a closet and was scolded by his parents; after becoming a Diet member, he and his family cared for a dying cat hit by a car in front of his house and were very happy when it got better.
“In the event of a disaster evacuation such as the Noto, can you leave your dogs and cats, which you have welcomed as family members, at home and evacuate only yourselves?”
Councilor Kushida asked to PM Ishiba.
PM Ishiba replied, “I think people have very different feelings, but when they are in a shelter, for example, in Noto, it was New Year's and very cold, and they wonder how their dogs and cats must be doing in the cold or how they are eating. I am sure that there are many people who can't stand not to be around their dogs and cats.
I believe that many people feel that pets are part of the family and the shelters where pets can live together should be a goal. But some people are very uncomfortable with cats, and some are allergic to them. I am aware that bringing pets into the shelter needs to be considered carefully, and not just out of a sense of animal welfare, while also taking into consideration the environment of the people who will be living with.”
Councilor Kushida pointed out that approximately 30% of households nationwide have pets as family members. He also pointed out that many people do not evacuate in the first place because they cannot leave their pets. Evacuation with pets is a form of rescue, and the fact that pet owners themselves do not evacuate because of their pets is a secondary disaster!
Including companion evacuation, the animal welfare budget for this fiscal year is 370 million yen. The budget for animal welfare is very low considering the amount of taxes paid by the many people who own pets! Councillor Kushida asked that the Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kato, who sits next to each other, discuss and increase in the animal welfare budget and that it become a no-kill, life-saving tax rather than a tax that takes lives!
World Dog Alliance promotes evacuation with pets in times of disaster.