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WDA's Milestones


1 June, 2013

Where It All Began

After finding out the brutality of the dog meat trade in Asia, Genlin decided to establish the WDA to save the 30 million dogs that are stolen and slaughtered for food every year.

12 December, 2014

WDA's Founding Ceremony

The founding ceremony of the WDA was held in Hong Kong University. Animal activists from all over the world attended.


1 August, 2015


Genlin produced this documentary to reveal the barbaric truth of the dog meat trade in Asia.

Watch the trailer

26 September, 2015

926 Dog Lovers’ Day

The first Dog Lovers’ Day was launched by WDA. The documentary Eating Happiness was screened in major cities around the world.


12 September, 2016

The Largest Dog Meat Market in South Korea Closed

In response to a parliamentary petition initiated by WDA, the UK parliament applied pressure to the South Korean government through diplomatic means, resulting in the closure of Moran Market, the biggest dog meat market in South Korea.

11 April, 2017

Dog and Cat Meat Banned in Taiwan

WDA’s campaign led to the successful passage of a dog and cat meat ban in Taiwan, making Taiwan a beacon of hope in Asia.


12 December, 2018

Dog and Cat Meat Ban Passed in the US Congress

The United States Congress passed the Farm Bill which outlaws dog and cat meat consumption. It sets a historic milestone for WDA’s legislative efforts in the United States.


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6 March, 2019

White Paper Drafted by the WDA

A Chinese congressman introduced the Companion Animal Protection Act which proposes banning dog meat consumption and increasing punishment for dog theft. Not only does WDA’s legislative endeavor save our beloved animal friends, it also shed a light of hope to their caregivers.

Read the white paper


13 March, 2019

100 Dog Meat Restaurants Found in Japan

Using the firsthand and in-depth information provided by the WDA, a Japanese congressman brought up the dog meat issue during an interpellation session in the Japanese Congress.

 The surprising fact that more than 100 dog meat restaurants exist in Japan sent shock waves through the world. WDA’s target is to legislate a ban on dog and cat meat in Japan.

10 June, 2019

Dog and Cat Meat Ban Proposed in Italy

The WDA worked with Italian Congresswoman Michela Brambilla to introduce a bill to outlaw dog and cat meat in Italy.

Read more


10 July, 2019

Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill to Ban Dog and Cat Meat in the UK

The UK Parliament agreed to an amendment to include a dog and cat meat ban in the Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill. WDA’s campaigning efforts in the UK over the years has come to fruition.

28 July, 2019

International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dog and Cat Meat

The WDA drafted the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dog and Cat Meat. Congressmen in the US and Members of Parliament in the UK have pledged to back WDA’s campaign.


7 February, 2020

WDA United US Representatives to Sign Joint Letter to President Donald Trump

30 bipartisan US Representatives (15 Republicans and 15 Democrats) co-signed a letter urging President Trump to initiate the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats.

7 March, 2020

WDA United UK MPs to Sign Joint Letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson

67 Members of Parliament signed a letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to urge him to initiate the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats.


The letter was written by Giles Watling MP, the Co-Chair of APPG Animal Welfare Group and Vice-Chair of APPG Dog Welfare Group.

Read more 


29 May, 2020

Chinese Government Heralds the Ban on Dog and Cat Meat

In a historic move, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs excluded dogs from the national “Directory of Genetic Resources of Livestock and Poultry” and reclassified dogs as “companion animals”.

3 December, 2020

Japanese Lawmakers Call for International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats

Hidehisa Otsuji, chairman of the Parliamentary League for Animal Welfare, along with 10 members of the league, submitted a request letter to Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide in The Prime Minister’s Official Residence, turning a historic page on animal welfare in Japan. The request letter also lays the groundwork for a joint initiative between the United States and Japan on the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats.


18 June, 2021

Norwegian Lawmakers Call for International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats

A number of members of Parliament sent a letter to Prime Minister Erna Solberg calling for the initiation of the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats.

28 October, 2021

Swedish Lawmakers Call for International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats

A number of members of Parliament sent a letter to Prime Minister Stefan Löfven calling for the initiation of the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats.

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29 October, 2021

US Lawmakers Call for International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats

38 bipartisan Members of Congress sent a letter to President Joe Biden, calling for the initiation of the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats.

18 March 2023

Jakarta Legislates to ban dog meat

Special Area of the City of Jakarta has introduced a ban on the dog and cat meat trade. This includes the most populous metropolitan area in Indonesia, comprising the capital as well as five satellite cities and three complete regencies, including parts of West Java and Banten provinces

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5 July 2023

Hanoi announces timetable for banning consumption of dogs and cats meat

Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, has pledged to phase out selling cat and dog meat, officials said, in a nation where some consider the animals a delicacy.

7 August 2023

US Lawmakers Write to President Yoon of South Korea Calling for Swift Legislation to Ban Dog Meat

With the help of Congressman Andrew Garbarino, ten bipartisan Members of Congress sent a letter to South Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol, calling on South Korea to accelerate its legislative process to end the consumption of dog meat and support International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats. 

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9 January 2024

Dog Meat Consumption Banned in South Korea

The Korea National Assembly unanimously passed the “dog meat ban special bill” (208 out of 210 voted yes, with 2 abstentions) to prohibit the breeding, slaughter and selling of dogs for human consumption.


The vote was historic and started a three-year grace period for dog farmers, slaughter houses and dog meat restaurants to transition to alternative livelihoods with government assistance. 

23 March, 2024

Appropriations Bill 2024 Includes “International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats” Championed by WDA

With the help of Republican Congressman David Valadao, the “International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats,” which is championed by World Dog Alliance, has been included in the U.S. Appropriations Bill 2024. On Mar 22, 2024 the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Appropriations Bill by a vote of 286-134. On March 23, the U.S. Senate passed the bill by a vote of 74-24. This would commence the process by which Department of State works to initiate the "International Agreement."

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30/F, King Palace Plaza, 55 King Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

+852 2519 6366

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